Fortuna II The Flow of Water

Fortuna II The Flow of Water

Fortuna Series II Artists : Aries VIera, James Morbid, Dan Ryshu, Chris Bates, Joe Haversy, Cameron Jeffery, Courtney Hicks, JamJam, Tindel, Helleah, Marcy Starz, Sara Ledbetter, Brandi Smart

The upcoming Tarot Card Art Show at High Contrast Gallery presents a captivating exploration of the Suit of Cups, known for its representation of emotions, relationships, and creativity. This exhibit, dedicated solely to showcasing local Atlanta talent, delves into the deep waters of emotional experiences and connections through the artistic interpretations of each card in the Cups suit.

Featuring a diverse array of artists from Atlanta’s vibrant art scene, the event promises a unique visual journey into the heart and soul of human interactions and personal growth. Each artist brings their distinct style and perspective, transforming the traditional imagery of the tarot into contemporary art that resonates with modern themes and local cultural influences.

Scheduled to be held at the Art & Industry venue, this exhibition not only highlights the rich artistic talents of the city but also offers a space for reflection and inspiration drawn from the intuitive and introspective nature of the Cups suit. Attendees will experience a range of expressions from joy and love to melancholy and introspection, making it an enriching experience for art lovers and tarot enthusiasts alike.

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